Unlimited Referral Appointments
Personalized Approach

At LAUNCH, we exclusively provide Referral-Based Appointment Setting for Solar Companies, ensuring the highest quality appointments with the highest potential of closing.

One Of A Kind Service

We utilize specialized processes, skills, and networks to generate qualified Referral Appointments for all Solar Companies.

Referral Appts

Get unlimited access to qualified Referral Appointments, personally set and referred directly to you.

Higher Close Rates

​Our Referral Appointments ensure a higher likelihood of closing the sale, maximizing your conversion rates.

Solar Focus

We have personal experience with the pains of finding good Solar appointments, knocking thousands of doors, calling cold leads. We've solved that problem for good.

National Reach

Our Referral Appointment services are available for solar companies nationwide.

About Launch

We are a Lead Generation company that provides unlimited, on tap, qualified referral appointments to Solar companies and Solar sales reps. Any and all Solar companies. Any and all Solar closers.

  • We deliver unlimited, on tap, qualified referral appointments to any and all Solar companies.
  • We strictly guarantee that every set appointment we offer has been personally set and referred by a family member or friend, ensuring the highest quality appointment, with the highest likelihood of closing.

We are the only referral based solar lead gen company in the world. We strictly guarantee that every set appointment we offer has been personally set and referred by a family member or friend, ensuring the highest quality appointment, with the highest likelihood of closing.

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